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Getting the Gist: Helping Readers Get the Main Idea feat. Devin Kearns

04/30/2024 @ 04:30 pm - 04/30/2024 @ 05:30 pm

30 Apr 04:30 pm - 05:30 pm

Recording Available

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Session Information:

Many students have great difficulty identifying the main idea of texts. One of the most effective strategies for improving the reading comprehension of students with and without reading difficulty is to help them learn to summarize at the paragraph level. Devin will explain how the summarizing strategy “Getting the Gist” works and will teach participants how to use itSession will be recorded. 

About Our Speaker

Devin M. Kearns, Ph.D.is an associate professor of Special Education in the Department of Educational Psychology in the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut (UConn). He is a research scientist for Haskins Laboratories at Yale University and the Center for Behavioral Education & Research at UConn. Devin conducts research on reading disabilities—including dyslexia—in elementary-and middle school-age children and designs instructional programs to assist these students. Devin also studies the neurobiological effects of reading intervention, publishes articles on reading difficulty, and helps schools and districts implement high-quality reading instruction.

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