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“Mastering the Art of Accountable Independent Reading: A Blueprint for Empowering Readers” feat. Khary Fletcher

12/11/2023 @ 05:00 pm - 12/11/2023 @ 06:00 pm

11 Dec 05:00 pm - 06:00 pm

The Vicki G. Duffy Pavilion

khary fletcher

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Session Information:

Empowering readers is meaningful, but challenging work. Independent reading can feel like the right approach, but how do you keep it from becoming Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) with no way to know if students are “really” reading? The answer is simple and could be considered an art form. Demystify the techniques of using independent reading as an accountable tool to grow your students as readers. Join us to discover transformative strategies to empower individuals in navigating the vast world of literature with confidence and enthusiasm.

About Khary Fletcher:

Khary Fletcher is a dedicated educator with nearly two decades of experience spanning grades K – 12. He has served in multiple literacy and leadership roles. Receiving his Doctorate in Education, Khary focuses his research on creating conditions for students to engage with the sociocultural context of reading comprehension and practical application of skills to real world reading.


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The Vicki G. Duffy Pavilion

155 College Street
Old Saybrook, CT 06475 United States

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