A FREE, virtual workshop from CREC and sponsored by CSDE.
Learn systematic, structured methods for teaching decoding, encoding, oral, and written expression to students with learning disorders and specific language disabilities. Participants will: Define and model strategies to teach students who have specific reading disabilities; Identify skills needed to develop basic proficiency in reading and spelling; and Learn the developmental progression of oral language skills that prepare students for reading proficiency.
This workshop will begin with one, “live”, synchronous day of instruction, led by Lisa A. Fiano. The rest of the coursework will be completed asynchronously by June 1, 2021. Asynchronous instruction will cover the following: federal and state definitions; the detection and recognition of, and evidence-based structured literacy interventions for students with, or at risk for, SLD/Dyslexia or other reading-related learning disabilities; structured literacy lesson design and implementation; virtual structured literacy instruction; and assistive technology.
Provided books include Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers by Louisa Moats Ph.D. and Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills by Judith Birsh Ed.D. and Suzanne Carreker. Participants are responsible for picking up books needed for the course from CREC, 111 Charter Oak Ave., Hartford, CT 06106.
Books will be available starting February 1 ,2021 . Please call 860-247-2732 prior to pick up for building hours.